
R Camp

Day 1

Morning | 9AM-Noon

Blast off!

  1. Introductions
  2. Power on your droid
    • Install and update R
  3. Start a new R project
    • Create an R script
  4. Tour RStudio
  5. Create, copy, change, and remove data
  6. Make a data tables / data frames
  7. Add new R packages
  8. Read data
    • readr for text files
    • readxl for Excel files
  9. Get visual with ggplot2
    • Plot the data!
    • Check for outliers

Packages: readr, readxl, ggplot2

Afternoon | 1PM-4:00pm

Explore the data, answer data questions

  1. Explore data
    • Column names, rows, observations, value types
    • Missing values
    • Mean, max, min, quantile
  2. Your data toolbox: dplyr
    • Arrange, sort, and filter data
    • Comparing data: >, ==, %in%
  3. Adding and calculating new columns
    • Unit conversions
  4. Save files
  5. Make ggplot sandwiches

Packages: dplyr

Day 2

Morning | 9AM-Noon

Questions and Review

  1. Join tables
    • left_join
  2. Summarize data
    • Summary functions: mean, median, max, min, quantile
  3. Summarize by group or category
    • By location: city, county, ZIP
  4. Exercise: Read data from Excel

Packages: dplyr

Afternoon | 1PM-4:00pm

Star Wars - Guess Who

  1. Calculate new columns based on if condition
    • If age > 17 then “Eligible to vote”
  2. Plot like a Jedi!
    • Scatter plots and boxplots
    • Add titles, colors, and labels
    • Reference lines
    • Themes
  3. Save charts to different formats
  4. Your turn - Practice what you’ve learned

Day 3

Morning | 9AM-Noon

Questions and Review

  1. Intro to Maps
    • Coordinates
    • Interactive maps
  2. Working with Dates
    • Time zones
    • Time series plots
  3. Join GitHub
    • Share your data, code, and plots

Packages: sf, leaflet, lubridate

Afternoon | 1PM-4:00pm

Language learning: Reading code

  1. Use the pipe %>% to chain functions together for less typing
  2. Connect to databases
    • ODBC
    • keyring: Keeping your passwords secret
  3. Choose your own adventure!
    • Clean the data
    • Create summary tables
    • Compare years and sites
    • Charts & maps

Packages: DBI, RODBC, keyring

🐈🐈 Concatulations!! 🐱🐱

Celebrations, accolades and certificates
